We are well into autumn with more rainy days, cooler temperatures, cosy wood fires and intense sunsets. Every season has positive things, even though I prefer warmer temperatures.
I have invested in a new generation water bottle! An electrical one with 8 hours wonderful warmth and "activated" my collection of all kinds of woolly beanies. So nothing can go wrong!
This is my "piece de resistance" featuring my cat Sir Frankie. Specially knitted for me by a dear friend.

Autumn is actually one of my favorite time in the garden as it means a lot of landscaping, dividing and new plantings. As we will have to prune more regularly some massive sized new bamboo shoots in the future, I made a try to use it in the kitchen.
Our largest bamboo species (Dendrocalamus latiflorus, probably the largest available in NZ) is ideal for eating. Not as bitter as most bamboos shoots. Only the inner heart part is used, has to be cut out and chopped into small sticks before boiling for a long time. The task was on....

Size of one bamboo shoot in comparison with a teaspoon....
My loved Swiss made kitchen knife from Victorinox (nooo I don't get paid for that!) usually does all sorts of jobs......

Clearly not this time...... the job needed heavier gear..... And after a lot of Google research, sweat and tears I got a final result.
If you asked me if it was worth: yeah nah.....
Artwise, the highlight apart from mixing new exciting ceramic glazes, was certainly Sculpture Northland in the Quarry Gardens which took part in the last two weeks.
I have had many interesting talks with people visiting the exhibition and I feel very happy to have been part of this great art event. Thanks to the supportive organisation team and all the customers and people who came along for a visit.

Mmmh, reminds me that I have to go back to my studio. Got commission in!
Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happyness.
Anni Albers

Wish you lots of happy times ahead
CEO Art departement
Photo Woodfire: Source unsplash Kaiwen Sun